This little guy needs a name. His photo was found in my great grandmother Lillie Johnson Darnold’s photo album, but unfortunately there’s nothing to identify him. Fortunately, most of the photos are identified so we do have some hope of finding who this little cutie belongs to. My sister (lucky duck that found the album online!) and I are sure he’s family but we need your help.
The families that are included in the album are all descendants of Jonathan Townsend Johnson and Sinar (Sinah) Amelia Bell and James William Darnold and Elizabeth Ann Mullenax. Both families had several children and lived in the areas of Villisca, Iowa, Taylor and Montgomery counties in Iowa before they spread further out. Here’s a listing of surnames: Johnson, Bell, Darnold, Combs, Cusick, Burch, Rogers, Moore, Frost, Erickson, Smith, Shipley, Kent, Jerrell, Ross.