Another Story to Tell is a family history blog where I can share stories and discoveries about my ancestors, photos and memories. From patriots to pioneers, the stories and experiences of our ancestors are the threads that connect us all as they’re woven into the tapestry of life.
I’m an eager (read obsessed) researcher and personal historian who was blessed with a treasure trove of photos and stories uncovered by both sets of grandparents. They spent endless hours and dollars on their genealogy research back in the pre-digital era. Unfortunately, a lot of their research was undocumented and they only searched their immediate direct line. I’m working on documenting their work and I’ve also expanded the scope of the family research to include siblings, aunts and uncles. I’ve learned so much more about my family history by expanding the search!
I am also a certified Legacy Advisor and Planner member of I-ASK, the International Association of Story Keepers. I love capturing the stories, events and memories of a life time…even when they aren’t my own! If you need help rescuing your family legacy of treasured photos and memories, find out more here at Legacy Stories. At this link, you’ll find out how you can start saving your family’s legacy for free. There’s a contact form on the Contact Me page, or just send me an email at wendygunderson [at]yahoo[dot]com.